T.M. Hunter Books

The Aston West Chronicles

T. M. Hunter has always had a fascination with travel to other worlds, earning a B. S. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Kansas. His works have often been compared to the great pulp writers of the last century.

He mainly writes action-adventure stories in his Aston West universe, with a series of novels, standalone novellas and short story collections (all featuring space pirate Aston West). He also has a standalone thriller from the same universe, even though Aston does not make an appearance. In the pipeline, he’s currently working on a paranormal thriller and a near-future mystery (separate from the Aston universe), and also a pair of additional Aston tales.

In the sliver of spare time that he has, when not adoring his wife, working in the aircraft industry, volunteering for his church, or penning new tales, he also plays electric bass as part of a local classic rock band.

Find out more about his body of work by clicking the link above or by going to  AstonWest.com.