Great Plains Renaissance Festival – April 2022

Many thanks to everyone that came to the Great Plains Renaissance Festival in Wichita, KS and visited with us local authors in the Kansas Author’s Pavilion. We looked forward to meeting each and everyone of you that stopped by, asked questions and shared your company.

I personally want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those of you that bought copies of our books and truly hope that you enjoy reading our stories as much as we enjoyed writing them.

We look forward to seeing you again in October. Tell your friends and anyone else that you think might be interested in buying original works and visiting with us authors.

Thanks again for attending.



Reviews and Comments, Please

I would appreciate hearing from anyone that has actually read one of my books or one of the books by the other Indie Authors supported on this website. Many have commented on the blog page, its format or style of writing and such, and I thank you for that. But my purpose in having this website is to let others know about the books and the best way to do that is to let those of you that have read them, give your opinions on them and to tell your friends.

So, if you would please, leave a comment, or a review through the contact page, or write a review for the book on Amazon in the Kindle store , Nook Books or wherever you picked up a copy. Reviews help us authors show that we are being read.

Thank you to each of you that have read one of the books, and those that are thinking about reading one. If you have any questions concerning the books or their stories, please ask you questions through the Contact Page as well.

Charlie’s Promise Trilogy Coming Soon

Just wanted to let all of you know that the last book in West’s Ghost Ranch Series, Book 6, Charlie’s Promise  Part 3, is now with my Copy Editor and the cover is in work. I am hoping to have copies available in July, both as ebook and as softcover versions. I hope you will take the opportunity to give them a look when they are released.

Ghost Ranch Series

For any of you that might be wondering where the Ghost Ranch Series is going, I am pleased to say that Charlie’s Promise, the sequel to Eight’s Warning, is progressing, though a little slower than I expected. Book 4, A Most Uncertain Present, has finished the editing phase and is waiting for a cover design, and book 5, The Present Conspires is written and currently in the editing process. The Conclusion, book 6, (presently untitled) is in writing.

My hopes are that this trilogy, Charlie’s Promise, will be out by next summer (fingers crossed).

If you have any comments or questions, please contact me.